Sunday, July 29, 2007

Liz's Birthday

Unlike the past couple weekends, this weekend was a mellow one. I do not have to filter through 6oo pictures and talk endlessly about all the things that we saw on our day tours. Instead, we took it easy this weekend. The big part of the week was on Wednesday; or shall I say Liz's 22nd Birthday!

To celebrate we decided to go out to sushi. [yum!] We went to the city and walked down Little Bourke St. which is actually considered China town. Yes, yes, I know sushi is Japanese food but there were a few Japanese restaurants mixed in with all the Chinese ones. We found one at the end of the street and it was really nice. We ordered a couple rolls of sushi... some spicy tuna, California rolls, and salmon rolls. You know, the standards. Since it was a nice place the sushi was fresh and I could have continued to eat it forever. After eating all of our really good food, the waiter brought out ice cream for Liz's birthday. The candles were awesome because they looked like fireworks! She tried to blow them out but it was no use. They had to burn down to the end. She got mango ice cream and shared the goodness.

Then we ventured back to the hotel and made her the real birthday dessert: Our famous five minute cake! We have learned that the middle does not cook well in the microwave so since this was a special occasion, we make sure the whole cake was cooked by putting a cup in the middle.. kinda like a bunt cake. We even bought candles and made lemon icing! Oh and how can I forget we wrote her name with Milo.. so creative! After singing happy birthday we indulged! It was really good.

Then we went for a walk down towards Chapel St. and found a empty night club [it WAS a Wednesday night] and danced the night away. We had the place to ourselves and it was nice to just goof around. Then once we got tired we returned home and slept so we could get up and go to work in the morning.

On Friday we went to the Royal Casino which is along the river. It had very nice restaurants that we knew were above our price range, some stores, a cinema, pubs, and of course a bunch of slot machines. We ate at the food court and then roamed around. We found a live band that was playing a bunch of classic rock songs and oldies. It was fun to dance to them because we knew the words. Saleh left the girls alone to dance while he tried to win some money. Unfortunately, he lost $10. Better luck next time!

On Saturday we went away from the city towards the Clayton campus to a big mall. It was actually Saleh's idea to go there.. I know... the only guy of the group wanted to go shopping?!? I swear that we had nothing to do with it! The mall was huge; bigger than UTC but probably like Valley fair in San Jose. I didn't recognize a lot of the stores. There was no American Eagle or Hollister which was nice. They did have a Target though. :]

At night we went over to our friend Anil's apartment for dinner. He lived at the Claremont Hotel for a while and since he moved into an apartment he wanted to make us dinner at his new place. He made a great Indian dinner. There was chicken, an eggplant dish, spinach dish, flat bread, rice, and fruit salad. We all got seconds and were full! Even then he was not satisfied. He wanted all the food to be gone! Then he had an Indian sweet pastry in this sauce for dessert. But that's not all; it seemed every 5 to 10 minutes he would pull out cookies and chocolate. We brought one of our cakes but there was already plenty of sweets. I tried to help him clean up all the dishes but he wouldn't let me. We all had a nice time and had to leave before he tried to feed us more food!
On Sunday I had a lazy day. I slept in, went to the gym, showered and then slept most of the day. I woke up and red "Life of Pi" downstairs while everyone just talked and hung out. It was nice. Sometimes you just need a lazy day. This week will be a little more exciting because my mom and sister will be arriving to Melbourne on Wednesday! I am so happy that I'll be able to see them and spend some time with them. Now that I know the city I can show them all the cool places!

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